Why Skin Purging is Actually a Good Thing

Purging is a sign of success, not failure! Think of purging like working out...

If you've never worked out before, you're likely to get sore. It's an uncomfortable feeling, but it's a sign that you are getting closer to your fitness goal.

Think of purging like being sore after a workout. When you introduce active ingredients to your skin for the first time, you are likely to purge and get a temporary skin reaction for a few weeks. Skin purging is uncomfortable, but it's a sign that you are getting closer to your skin goals! 

Purging is when you experience multiple breakouts on the skin’s surface at once. This is your skin essentially detoxifying itself. All the breakouts you are experiencing were already there brewing under your clogged pores and buildup of dead skin cells. 

Skin purging is a sign of success, NOT failure. Purging expedites the clearing process and increases skin cell turnover to get clear, healthy skin faster.

You don't get results by staying stagnant in your skincare routine, especially if you have sensitive skin.

...Nothing changes if nothing changes. Would you rather have a lifetime of breakouts and acne treatment or 3-6 months of breakouts during the purging phase and glowing skin afterward? 

Short term pain = Long term gain

...I know purging is annoying and frustrating, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel - radiant skin. Trust the process and experience the benefits of skin purging!

Helpful Tips to Maximize Skin Purging Benefits

  1. Ice your skin 2x a day 🧊
  2. Use sulfur spot treatment 
  3. Take a zinc supplement 💊
  4. And always make sure to see a professional to get personalized advice, minimize irritation, and prevent skin purging from causing any allergic reaction

Thank you for reading! 

This article of the Skinsider Scoop was graciously written by Licensed Aesthetician and owner of Savanna Boda Aesthetics, Savanna Boda, and edited by the Clean Skin Club team. If you're interested in more from Savanna, please shoot us an email, and follow her Instagram - @thedallasaesthetician