How Vaping Affects Skin

How Vaping Affects Skin

Vaping affects your skin 💨 Whether it’s causing acne or aging.

Not everyone will get breakouts from Nicotine but if you’re acne prone, it’s something to consider as a trigger that may be contributing

Not only does it dry the skin causing your oil glands to go into overdrive resulting in more breakouts/congestion… BUT it also slows the wound healing process meaning breakouts and leftover marks won’t heal as quickly!

I know vaping has become super popular, but it’s always a good idea to look into the side effects and understand the risks involved. Stay informed and take care of your skin!

 Thank you for reading! 

This article of the Skinsider Scoop was graciously written by  Acne Specialist + Co-Owner of Mixi Skincare, Maddie Holmesand edited by the Clean Skin Club team. If you're interested in more from Maddie, please shoot us an email, and follow her Instagram @acnemaddie