8 Sneaky Hormone Disruptors

8 Sneaky Hormone Disruptors


*Disclosure: Hormone imbalances are extremely hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing them, where they are coming from, and could be a collective amount of things that you use, consume, and/or are exposed to daily. Everyone’s body is different and may not be as sensitive or reactive to some of the things as others may be. The sneaky hormone disruptors mentioned in this blog are just a few suggestions and lifestyle changes to take into consideration to keep your hormones in check and happy.*

If you’re someone who is struggling with hormonal imbalances and acne, it can be extremely frustrating when you feel like you are doing all of the right things inside and out to get your hormonal imbalances treated and controlled, and nothing is working. Unfortunately, in our world today, there are more and more toxins in our everyday items that can disrupt hormones, making it hard to pinpoint the root cause/causes.

However, it can help tremendously to examine your everyday products, consumption, and habits a bit more deeply to avoid such medical conditions. Below are eight sneaky hormone disruptors that you should consider to keep hormone imbalances in check.

1. Receipt Paper

You may have heard of opting for BPA-free water bottles and cookware, but what you may have not heard of is that BPA can be found in your everyday receipt paper, as well as estrogen-mimicking chemicals, leading to hormonal imbalances.

Receipt paper contains 250-1000 times more BPA than a can of food does. If you have not heard of BPA, it is an industrial chemical that can linger in the human body for a week or more, and should be avoided to help prevent hormonal imbalances. Opt for a text message or email receipt when possible! 

2. Using Seed Oils

Seed oils are oils made from seeds, such as sunflower, cottonseed, safflower, canola, and grape seeds. They are found in most processed foods and alternative milks and can cause excessive inflammation in the body, disrupting constant internal balance and leading to other health and skin issues.

The majority of restaurants also use these oils to cook your food—opting for olive oil and avocado oil when possible is best to help balance your hormone levels!

3. Too Much Caffeine Consumption/Caffeine On An Empty Stomach

Coffee is acidic, making it a bit harsh on an empty stomach in the morning. It causes our bodies to go into a stress response, to shoot out cortisol and put us in a fight or flight state. The heightened stress response in the body from caffeine on an empty stomach or too much consumption of caffeine daily can cause hormonal imbalances and worsen adult acne.

I love a good iced latte, so pairing my morning coffee with a meal and not consuming too much caffeine throughout the day is really important for me and helps prevent hormonal imbalances. If you’re someone trying to decrease your coffee intake, opt for green tea or matcha when possible to help avoid such health conditions.

4. Skipping Healthy Fats

Bioindividuality means that there is not a one-size-fits-all diet. Each person is a unique individual with highly individualized nutritional requirements. However, healthy fats are something that women, especially, should consider adding more to their breakfast and meals to help avoid hormonal imbalances.

Healthy fats contain omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate the skin's oil production, improve balanced hydration, subdue breakouts and minimize signs of aging. Easy foods that contain healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids are hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax meal, avocado, tofu, and nuts. Add them to a healthy diet to help prevent hormonal imbalances.

5. Blue Light Exposure

Blue light wakes you up and stimulates you during the day. It also starts the production of cortisol (stress hormone) in your adrenal glands and ghrelin (nicknamed the “hunger” hormone) in your stomach.

Blue light exposure suppresses melatonin production and disrupts circadian rhythm, resulting in hormonal imbalances. Trying to limit daily blue light exposure and making sure you aren’t exposed to it at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed can help this!

6. Candles

Some people may be surprised to learn that many candles contain phthalates, a class of chemicals that can cause hormonal imbalances.

Once a candle burns, phthalates are released into the air, where they may be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Once in the bloodstream, they can aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms in some people and have been found to alter hormone levels, leading to hormonal imbalances.

When buying candles, opt for soy, coconut or beeswax candles, unbleached cotton, hemp or wooden wicks scented with pure essential oils.

7. Cookware + Plastic Containers

Teflon is a non-stick coating for pots, pans, and certain kitchen appliances like air fryers, and contains a compound known as C8. This compound is a known hormone disruptor, and ends up leaking into your food when cooking. (Similar to microplastics and chemicals in plastic tupperware and spatulas.)

To help avoid hormonal imbalances, opt for glass tupperware and cast iron pans when you can!

8. Even Tap Water Can Cause Hormone Imbalances

Micropollutants are a problem worldwide. The water from your tap varies depending on what region you are in, but it’s not as pure as you might think.

Tap water can contain contaminants such as lead, microplastics, and other bacteria, and it may also contain hormones or endocrine system disruptors. Even in small quantities these disruptors can severely impact your endocrine glands and cause hormonal imbalances. No matter where you live, it is best to make sure you have a proper water filter for your drinking water.

By being mindful of the products you're purchasing, consuming, and letting into your environment daily, you can implement changes to avoid toxins and keep your body’s chemical messengers balanced and healthy.💛

If you have your hormonal imbalances diagnosed, consult a healthcare provider who may require medical treatment so you can balance and produce hormones effectively. This may involve lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, nutritional supplements, stress management techniques, or even hormone replacement therapy.

Thank you for reading!

This article of the Skinsider Scoop was written by our Head of Partnerships, and Certified Holistic Health Coach, Lexi Kramer.