Top Three Reasons Your Skin is Extra Oily and/or Acne Prone

Top Three Reasons Your Skin is Extra Oily and/or Acne Prone

Skin is a reflection of what is going on internally. Let’s say you have removed pore cloggers, got on a solid skincare routine for your skin type and needs and still noticing some oiliness or acne… it’s time to dig deeper.

These are 3 common categories of internal reasons for an imbalance of oil, which can lead to inflammation and clogged pores!


  • Vitamin A: deficiency can result in oily skin
  • Vitamin D: deficiency can result in oily skin
  • Vitamin E: deficiency can result in oily skin
  • Vitamin B6: deficiency can result in oily skin
  • Vitamin A: deficiency can result in oily skin
  • Vitamin A: deficiency can result in oily skin
  • Zinc: plays a role in regulating oil
  • Selenium: plays a role in oil production
  • Omegas: Insufficient intake or poor balance of omega fatty acids can contribute to acne as they help balance oil production


Too little or excess Testosterone is a key reason for oily skin. An imbalance of this hormone can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. Excessively high testosterone levels can also interfere with zinc absorption and utilization in the body, leading to even further imbalances. 

Cell Dehydration

When the body is cellularly dehydrated it tends to produce more oil to compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin. This can lead to oily skin and clogged pores as well as oily T zones with dryness in other areas. There may also be premature aging in some areas as well. We tend to see higher amounts of protein and albumin in the blood work here.

Thank you for reading! 

This article of the Skinsider Scoop was graciously written by Nutritional Therapist & Integrative Health Practitioner, Emily Morrow and edited by the Clean Skin Club team. If you're interested in more from Emily, please shoot us an email, and follow her Instagram @emilymorrow